7 Temmuz 2013 Pazar

Shotgun Reloading Supplies

Make sure to check out Shotgun Reloading Supplies if you are interested!

6 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi

Battle of Survival Recruiting

Hello, I couldn't have been working on this project for a long time but now I decided to raise this project from it's ashes, so I am willing to recruit some people. Contact me if you are interested.

21 Ocak 2011 Cuma

Various updates

I made a basic blood-blatter particle sub-system. When a bullet hits a mob this kind of blood effect will be rendered:

Particle engine can surely do better than this, this is just an example and I wanted to test if I can get Quadrenderer working.

One little update: server can now handle interactables.i.e. players can now use doors.

Thanks for reading.

Timestamped network packets

I have been working on timestamping the packets and synchronising the server & client times. Today I was able to complete.

Client and server are now able to predict more precise according to the timestamp of the packet and current action of the player&mob.

I am currently not clear about the "prediction factor" since speed of the mobiles is not constant yet depends on friction forces, force of the player etc.. But after some internet-tests I am pretty sure we'll come up with a proper factor :)

19 Ocak 2011 Çarşamba

John the composer

The project had some applications from various composers and I chosed John Pill. He has some great tunes on his website ( http://soundcloud.com/johnpill ). I tried to explain him the "feel" of the game and I am pretty sure he'll come up with something cool as a prototype.

14 Ocak 2011 Cuma

Server Progress vol. 2

I improved the server and it is now capable of those:
  • Creates a runtime database from a database file(which contains only usernames & pw's for now)
  • Allow users to connect with verified accounts
  • Players can chat on the public chat room without joining any game
  • Players can request gamelist and join OR create a game
  • Multiple players can join into the same game
  • Server can create monsters which are to be killed by players according to the *.lvl file
  • Players can shoot bullets and kill monsters
  • Clients are now doing some interpolation to prevent visual jitters
What is to do:
  • Adding a simple AI for the basic gameplay(since monsters can't even move right now..)
  • Timestamping events..(again this wasn't a problem as I was testing it locally but will be inevitable while testing over the net :) )

And I'll add a basic score table to show which player killed how much monster, so it will be even fun and at least playable yet! yay!
Obviously that isn't the goal of the game but that temporary table and gameplay will make the testing more enjoyable.

Thanks for reading

10 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi

Server Progress

As you may know, after getting permission from RakNet owner, I started working on the server-side.

Currently I wrote an online dynamic database which keeps the user data(only username & password for now) and the server is able to check from that database and to give login permission to clients.
After logging in, clients can now see other online players and can join chat channels and write messages. I also have made the game list interface but they can't create a game currently.

So all in all I am working on a gameManager class on serverside which will handle different game instances :)
I'll also be adding different packets like create_game_request, ingame_team_chat etc.

And I making the server authorized as much as possible, clients will compute too, but they will never be able to decide. I am aiming to take many precautions against hacking..